Friday, September 26, 2008

I am sssooo excited!!!

I am so excited! Today at assembly I found out that the new govenment found out about our trip and made us 'Honorary Youth Ambassadors'. To prove it I have a certificate with Collin Barnett's A.K.A. WA Premier signature on it and an email as well!!!
At first Tori and I were just so excited to be called such an important thing, because of the word Ambassador then it has to be important. After the assembly we found out what the meaning was, and it didn't sound as thrilling as when we didn't know the meaning. But, it is still a great honour and I will do my best to be a representative of WA.

Got to get some rest before I go so,
See ya

Thursday, September 25, 2008

3 Days Until I'm FREE

3 Days until I go and every days I get more excited by the day. It doesn't feel real yet, it just feels like a dream and I know once I get on the plane it will feel real! My Mum got me some long life milk because she doesn't want me to get ill from the chemical in some of the dairy products.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We Got Our Shirts!!!

We got our shirts that we have to were when we go out in crouded places in China. Our shirts have all of the students going from Oberthur and Bateman primary school on them and the teachers! The colours are really, really bright yellow and blue t-shirt and when we get to China we get a Huijia school shirt to were in the same way. The front of the shirt are pretty bland but the back looks pretty cool with all of the names!!! The shirt looks pretty good with shorts and skirts but the to shirts together it is EAGLES colours!:(

Got to Go!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

7 Days and Counting

With only 1 week to go I am so excited. Unfortunatly I don't have a suitcase but as an early birthday present my grandma is giving me one. I am sort of organised because I have got some of my stuff I need in a bag ready for packing and the clothes I am taking I have planned. I have also been trying to figure out what I should buy when we go shopping and so far I have got a wallet and a couple of games. I have only 10 days between my year 7 camp and China and on top of that I have my sister's birthday with her family party and her friends party. I am a little afraid because 16 days is very long and as I said this is my first time overseas without my parents. Also I have had alot of talk about culture shock and I don't know I am I going to react.