Friday, September 26, 2008

I am sssooo excited!!!

I am so excited! Today at assembly I found out that the new govenment found out about our trip and made us 'Honorary Youth Ambassadors'. To prove it I have a certificate with Collin Barnett's A.K.A. WA Premier signature on it and an email as well!!!
At first Tori and I were just so excited to be called such an important thing, because of the word Ambassador then it has to be important. After the assembly we found out what the meaning was, and it didn't sound as thrilling as when we didn't know the meaning. But, it is still a great honour and I will do my best to be a representative of WA.

Got to get some rest before I go so,
See ya

1 comment:

smiley said...

Hey Miss Ambassador :)

Have a really good trip!! :D

Take care,
